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We have built this little tool so you, our best agent, can obtain the needed intel to accomplish your mission.

New intel may be uploaded every day, so remember to come back time to time so you have all the information, you may also find some hidden items that will require your keenest eye at top performance so PAY ATTENTION...

Type 'help' + Enter -- for available commands.

Important: this console is very old so it is case sensitive, 'A' is not the same as 'a'

HINT: once you discover new commands, you can use them at any point, so be sure to remember them to avoid starting over...


Hello akibasAgent001, you have been selected to complete this mission.

We need you to use this console to find crucial information that will allow us to unleash our latest creation. Be sure you understand every mission and read every intelligence you can find through this interface. You may find some hidden rewards arround if you are able to identify them...

And now go start your first mission by typing mission_1 + Enter


LOL, you shouldn't be here...

»Mission 1 - PART 1

Welcome agent to your first mission. As your first task, we need you to find key information for the rest of your missions.

You will have to look for 3 keys that might give you some results in this console.

Don't worry agent we got you on this one try typing part_2 + Enter

»Mission 1 - PART 2

EAZY PEAZY RIGHT!!?? Now that you got how this is going to work, you are gonna require some effort for the next ones!

Some secret sources have told us that you might find some usefull information in this confidencial extract from the intel files:


akibasAgent005: Psss! Dude, this is definetely not Japan! Where are we?

?????: Sssshhhh!! They are gonna hear us...

?????: I have no f**king clue where we are, but we must find out so we can complete this mission.

akibasAgent005: Hey look at this!

akibasAgent005: It looks like there's something written in this wall...

?????: It says... "NEW_DR"

akibasAgent005: New Doctor? Are we suppossed to look for a doctor?

?????: NO! WAIT! There is more... "OP_DATE"

akibasAgent005: Operation date? This must be talking about our special operation to accomplish this mission!

?????: 005 you are so dumb dude...


»New Drop Date


20:00h UTC +1

19:45h UTC +1 For enrolled agents

Congrats Agent! You have completed your first mission!

Type mission_2 + Enter to start your next mission...

»Mission 2

Hello agent! We've got a new mission for you...

New intel has come from our sources to help you indentify our main agents in this mission!

Try the code kiwa + Enter to get introduced to the first agent...

»Kiwa - 喜和

akibasAgent001 I'm glad to present you Kiwa, one of our best agents.

Here are some key points about her:

  • Birth date: 24/03/2045
  • Favourite weapon: Sniper
  • Strongest ability: Long distance headshots

Impressed? That is not everything...

Type takeru + Enter to know her partner in crime...

»Takeru - 丈塁

Agent! This is Takeru, he teams up with Kiwa and together are close to be invencible...

  • Birth date: 10/09/2034
  • Favourite weapon: Assault riffles
  • Strongest ability: Stealth

Are you curious about their story together? Of course you are! Be aware of our sources to find out the next command which will lead you to their story...

Stay tuned to our graphics source and our text source.

»Kiwa & Takeru

Congrats agent! You found the new intel for this mission.


Lifelong childhood friends, Kiwa and Takeru spent their afternoons playing together pretending to be secret agents. They never got tired. One day, Kiwa's family decided to move to a far away town and they had to part ways thinking they would never see each other again.

And so it was, until 10 years later, to his surprise, Kiwa would never have imagined that he would see Takeru again through a peephole. In the middle of a secret mission of the newly produced immersive videogame 'Akiba's Guntai', Kiwa was a shot of 800 meters away from achieving the final objective. But when he realized it was Takeru, she stopped and he suddenly disappeared. Quickly seeking a new position they came face to face and Takeru, instead of shooting her, gave her a gas mask and took her hand. They went into a sewer and suddenly a new mission appeared in Kiwa's view. Together they achieved the highest score achieved so far. Without even being able to speak, the videogame disconnected after completing the mission and they returned to reality. Now they needed to achieve a much bigger mission, to find themselves in the real world.


Wow... you completed the second mission. Now you know your team mates Kiwa and Takeru

Type mission_3 + Enter to get to the final and most difficoult mission.

»Mission 3

Hello agent, this will be our last communication, we are really close to achieve our last goal. This one will actually be rewarding...

In this last intel file you are going to find a hidden code that might be usefull for you in a few hours...


38 53 4B 31 41 33 45 4D 33 42 32 53 20 54 68 69 73 20 61 63 74 75 61 6C 6C 79 20 61 20 31 30 25 20 64 69 73 6F 63 75 6E 74 20 63 6F 64 65 2C 20 74 68 65 20 66 69 72 73 74 20 6F 6E 65 20 74 6F 20 75 73 65 20 69 74 20 67 65 74 73 20 74 68 65 20 6F 66 66 65 72 2C 20 67 6F 6F 64 20 6C 75 63 6B 20 61 6E 64 20 74 68 61 6E 6B 73 20 66 6F 72 20 70 6C 61 79 69 6E 67 20 6F 75 72 20 6D 69 6E 69 20 67 61 6D 65 2C 20 79 6F 75 20 61 72 65 20 61 77 65 73 6F 6D 65 21


This looks like a text encripted in hexadecimal format, what if we convert it to text?

Command not found!

Type 'help' + Enter -- for available commands.

Remember this console is very old so it is case sensitive, 'A' is not the same as 'a'


Type [command] + Enter

  • 'home' -- Thats obvious!
  • 'start' -- Start missions
  • 'help' -- displays this list

Remember this console is very old so it is case sensitive, 'A' is not the same as 'a'
